Playing catch-up with each other, Apple and Sony have released upgrades for their handheld personal digital assistants. Apple's Newton 2.0 operating system now ships with the existing Newton MessagePad 120 ($699), and Sony has released the second-generation Magic Link PIC-2000 ($899), running the Magic Cap 1.5 operating system.
Both these operating systems can now communicate over cellular phones; Newton 2.0 adds fax receive, with an optional fax modem. The Magic Link PIC-2000 includes a built-in send-only fax modem, which now operates at 14.4 kbps. Newton 2.0 also incorporates some of the features included in the original Magic Link, such as support for an optional keyboard.
Newton 2.0 adds better handwriting recognition, improved organizational tools that include an outliner, and eWorld client software (the Magic Link comes with America Online client software). The Newton Backup Utility for Mac and Windows is included with the MessagePad 120.
Sony's Magic Link PIC-2000 now boasts several unique features, such as backlighting you can turn on and off. Sony says the included lithium ion battery lasts six hours with backlighting on and ten hours with it off. The PIC-2000 also now works as a hands-free phone with built-in microphone and speaker. For private conversations, Sony has replaced the proprietary headset of the PIC-1000 with a standard headphone jack. A second Type II PC Card slot and 2 MB of RAM have been added too (the Newton MessagePad 120 already has both).
The Magic Cap 1.5 software is faster than the previous versions. A new application, OAG Flightline, allows you to get flight information, make reservations, and pay for flights from the Magic Link communicator. The PIC-1000 is still available at $499.